General views of nave
General view of nave to the east
View taken from triforium level at west end of bay 22.
Trinity Chapel is visible at far end.
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General view of nave to the east
Taken from floor level of bay 22. Trinity Chapel is
visible in distance.
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General view of nave to the east
Taken from bay 19 looking to the east.
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North side of nave, looking east
View to northeast, showing north arcade and north
aisle. Taken from bay 22.
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South side of nave, looking east
View to southeast, showing south arcade and south
aisle. Taken from bay 22.
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General view of nave to the west
View taken from floor level, crossing bay 12, towards west
end of cathedral. North and south nave aisles are visible at right
and left of image.
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General view of nave to the west
View down center of nave towards west doors, taken from
crossing bay 12.
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South side of nave, looking west
View taken from bay 12 towards southwest, showing south
arcade and south aisle.
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North side of nave, looking west
View taken from bay 12 towards northwest, showing north
arcade and north aisle.
view plan