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  • Bay 18

    • South arcade, bay 18, view from north

      Arcade, triforium, and clerestory of bays 18 and 19 are visible through the north arcade of bay 16. Montacute tomb is in the foreground.

      view plan
      • Triforium and clerestory, bays 18 and 19

        View taken from north aisle looking through north arcade. Bay 18 is at left of image.

        view plan
      • South arcade, bay 18

        The north porch opens into bay 18, so the sleeper wall between the arcade piers is interrupted to facilitate access to the nave. This view is taken towards bays 18, 19 and 20 of the south aisle from the north aisle of bay 18.

        view plan
      • South arcade, bay 18

        Taken from the nave looking directly south into the south aisle of bay 18. Information desk is located here (across from the north porch entrance).

        view plan
    • North arcade, bay 18

      View is taken from the south aisle, looking through the south arcade towards the north arcade. Bay 18 is framed in the center of the image. The Hungerford tomb, bay 16, is in the foreground.

      view plan
      • Bay 18

        Image taken from the south aisle of bay 18 to the northeast, showing north arcade bays 17 and 16 in the distance. North arcade bay 18 would be at left of image. Note lack of sleeper wall between the arcade piers in this bay, to allow passage for visitors using the north porch entrance in bay 18.

        view plan
      • North porch entrance, bay 18

        Taken from nave looking into the north aisle. The entry leads to the north porch.

        view plan