South walk
View to west
View along inside of arcade, from east end of south walk.
At the time two bays at the west end were closed for repairs.
Vault, south walk
Detail showing brickwork in the vaults.
Vault boss, south walk
Vault boss in first bay west of the juncture of the south
and east walks. The following boss details are displayed in sequence
from east to west along the south walk.
Vault boss, south walk
Second bay west of juncture of east and south walks.
Vault boss, south walk
Third bay west of juncture of east and south walks.
Vault boss, south walk
Fourth bay west of juncture of east and south walks.
Vault boss, south walk
Fifth bay west of juncture of east and south walks.
Vault boss, south walk
Sixth bay west of juncture of east and south walks.
Vault boss, south walk
Seventh bay west of juncture of east and south walks.
Vault boss, south walk
Eighth bay west of juncture of east and south walks.
Vault boss, south walk
Ninth bay west of juncture of east and south walks.
Vault boss, south walk
Tenth bay west of juncture of east and south walks.