Chapter house glass
Chapter house glass
Southeast, east and southwest windows.
Nineteenth century glass. View taken towards east from
view plan
East window, 1820 view with original glass.
View from the foyer into the chapter house showing the east
window with all its original glass as of 1820. R. Cattermole, del.
Etched by J. LeKeux. Published by J. Britton, 1841. Now for the most
part lost, heraldic devices originally formed a band around the
chapter house in the other windows.
view plan
Detail of the above view.
West wall of nave.
West nave windows have some original chapter house
view plan
West wall windows.
Note the row of seven heraldic shields at bottom of
three great lancets, moved from chapter house and repositioned
West wall windows.
Detail, surviving chapter house heraldic devices, west
Detail, heraldic device from chapter house.
Arms of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester
Detail, heraldic device from chapter house.
Made-up shield.
Detail, heraldic device from chapter house.
Arms of Eleanor of Provence, wife of Henry III
Detail, heraldic device from chapter house.
Arms of Louis IX of France, brother-in-law of
Henry III (1226-1270).
Detail, heraldic device from chapter house.
Arms of Henry III.
Detail, heraldic device from chapter house.
Arms of Henry III.
Detail, heraldic device from chapter house.
Arms of Richard, Earl of Cornwall, brother of
Henry III (1225-1272).
Detail, heraldic device from chapter house.
Arms of Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk and Earl
Marshall (1225-1270).
Window in the nave, south aisle, bay 20.
With some surviving glass from the chapter house
repositioned in right lancet.
view plan
Window in the nave, south aisle, bay 20.
With some surviving glass from chapter house
repositioned in right lancet.
Detail, chapter house glass at top of right lancet.
A bishop and a king in architectural surround from
an oculus in the heading of the chapter house window
tracery, an angel from a quatrefoil in the tracery, two
bishops from a spandrel in the tracery.
Detail, two clerics, right lancet.
Detail, bishop and king, right lancet.
Window in nave, south aisle, bay 22.
Some surviving chapter house glass in window over the
doorway in the west wall.
view plan
Detail, figures at top of lancets.
Figures of demi-angels from the chapter house, now
inserted in the lancets.
Window in nave, north aisle, bay 22.
Some surviving chapter house glass in window over the
doorway in the west wall.
view plan
Window over doorway in the west wall, bay 22.
Detail, figures from chapter house inserted in lancets.
Figures of demi-angels from the chapter house, now
inserted in the lancets.
Windows in southeast transept, south wall.
Three large lancet windows contain grisaille glass some of
which was formerly in the chapter house.
view plan
Lancet windows over dean's door in north choir aisle, bay 6.
Some of the grisaille glass may have been formerly in the
chapter house.
view plan
Chapter house window tracery, view from exterior.
view plan
Detail, tracery, view from interior.
Detail of the tracery showing the somewhat restored
heads on the cusps of the octafoil.
Detail, tracery and 19th century glass.
Detail of the chapter house tracery showing the
nineteenth-century figures of a king and a bishop in
architectural surrounds occupying the oculus and the figure of a
bishop in the spandrel below.
Detail, nineteenth-century glass.
Nineteenth-century glass in a chapter house window
showing the demi-figure of an angel in a quatrefoil surmounting
two of the lancets filled with grisaille glass.