Chapter house sculpture
Chapter house sculpture
Plan, chapter house, showing location of the sixty Old Testament
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Pre-restoration drawings, Old Testament cycle.
First twenty-eight scenes. Drawn by John Carter, 1802.
London, British Library, Add. MS. 29939, p. 73.
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Pre-restoration drawings, Old Testament scenes.
Next twenty-seven scenes. Drawn by John Carter, 1802.
London, British Library, Add. MS. 29939, p. 74.
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Pre-restoration drawing.
The final five scenes of the Old Testament cycle, and
sketches of label stops along the continuous blind arcade. Drawn by
John Carter, 1802. London, British Library, Add. MS. 29939, p. 74.
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West bay
Plan, west (entrance) bay.
Old Testament scenes 59, 60 and 1, 2.
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West bay, entrance viewed from the east.
Scenes 1 and 2 of Old Testament cycle are to right of
entry, in spandrels of lower blind arcade. Scenes 59 and 60 are at
left. Christ in Majesty in tympanum above door.
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West bay, entrance viewed from the east.
Christ in Majesty in the tympanum surrounded by the
four signs of the Evangelists and the blind arcade below the
four-light window.
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Entrance bay, showing degraded 19th c. polychromy.
19th century polychromy was removed c.
Creation on the first day.
Spandrel I, west bay, to right of
Second day of Creation.
Spandrel II, west bay, to right of
Diagram, restorations to first and second days of
Cross-hatched areas have been
Entwined monsters in blind arcade above entrance.
Located in the central spandrel of blind arcade, at
tip of tympanum over the entrance, west bay.
Stiff leaf capital, blind arcade above entrance.
Stiff leaf foliage on the capital, flanked by
lions. Located in the blind arcade above the entrance,
western bay.
Northwest bay
Northwest bay arcades.
The blind arcade frames the canons' seats and continues
around chapter house to west bay entrance.
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Northwest bay arcades and Old Testament sculpture.
The spandrels formed by the arches contain scenes of
Creation, third through seventh Day, and four scenes from the
Adam and Eve cycle from the Injunction to the Hiding in the
Garden and Sentencing.
Northwest bay with 19th c. polychromy.
19th century polychromy removed c. 1905. Details of
the Creation and Adam and Eve cycles. Photo, courtesy of the
late Canon Dawson.
Third day of Creation.
Spandrel I, northwest bay.
Diagram, restorations to the third day of Creation.
Sixth day of Creation.
Spandrel IV, northwest bay.
Diagram, restorations to the sixth day of Creation.
The Fall, northwest bay.
Capital no. 7, blind arcade, northwest bay.
Showing stiff leaf foliage.
Capital no. 8, blind arcade, northwest bay.
Showing stiff leaf foliage inhabited by two
North bay
North bay arcades.
Spandrels above arches framing the canons' seats contain
the two final scenes of the Adam and Eve cycle, the four scenes of
the Cain and Abel cycle, and three scenes of the Noah
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North bay of the chapter house with 19th c. polychromy.
Polychromy removed c. 1905.
Sacrifice of Cain and Abel.
Spandrel III, north bay.
Diagram, restorations to the Sacrifice of Cain and Abel.
Cain Murders Abel.
Diagram, restorations to the murder of Abel.
Noah's Ark afloat.
Spandrel VII, north bay.
Detail, Noah's Ark afloat.
Noah receiving the dove.
Diagram, restorations to Noah's Ark afloat.
Capital no. 8, blind arcade, north bay.
Stiff leaf foliage inhabited by a monkey and a fox
Northeast bay
North and northeast bay spandrels.
Spandrels contain three final scenes from the Noah
cycle and seven scenes from the lives of Abraham and
Detail, the Drunkenness of Noah.
Thirteenth-century head of Ham at left. Spandrel I,
northeast bay.
Abraham offering hospitality to the Three Angels.
Spandrel III, northeast bay.
Detail, the Three Angels.
From scene in which Abraham offers them his
Diagram, restorations to Abraham offering hospitality to
Three Angels.
Abraham entertaining the Three Angels (left).
The fall of Sodom and Gomorrah (right)
Pre-restoration engraving, Abraham entertaining the
Spandrel V, northeast bay. T. Baxter, del. and J.
LeKeux, sculp. Published by J. Britton, 1841.
Lot and daughters fleeing Sodom, with wife turning into
pillar of salt.
Spandrel V, northeast bay.
Detail, Lot and his daughters fleeing Sodom.
Diagram, restorations to Lot and his daughters fleeing
Head, chapter house label stop, northeast bay, no. 4.
East bay
Reunion of Jacob and Esau.
Spandrel VIII, east bay. Their wives are at
Detail, reunion of Jacob and Esau.
Diagram, restorations to the reunion of Jacob and Esau.
Head, chapter house label stop, east bay, no. 4.
Head, chapter house label stop, east bay, no. 2.
Capital no. 6, blind arcade, east bay.
Stiff leaf and pseudo-naturalistic foliage and berries;
lintel, pseudo-naturalistic grape vine.
Southeast bay
Southeast bay arcades.
Scenes of the Joseph cycle beginning with his dream and
carrying the story to Potiphar's wife falsely denoucing Joseph as
her seducer. The detail of the south bay shows him cast into
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Joseph relating his dreams; Joseph being put into a well by
his brothers.
Joseph relating his dreams to his father and brothers.
Spandrel II, southeast bay.
Diagram, restorations to Joseph relating his dreams.
Joseph with his brothers in the field.
Spandrel III, southeast bay. Joseph arriving at the
field; the brothers putting Joseph in the well; the brothers
staining his coat with the blood of a lamb.
Diagram, restorations to Joseph with his brothers in
the field.
Joseph presented to Pharaoh; Potiphar's wife tempting him.
Spandrels VI and VII.
Joseph presented and pledging fealty to Pharaoh.
Spandrel VI, southeast bay.
Diagram, restorations to Joseph presented to Pharaoh.
South bay
South bay arcades.
Continuing scenes of the Joseph cycle and a section of the
southwest bay continuing the cycle.
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Fulfillment of dreams of Pharaoh's baker and butler;
Pharaoh's dream.
Spandrels II and III, south bay.
Fulfillment of dreams of Pharaoh's baker and butler.
Spandrel II, south bay.
Diagram, restorations to dreams of Pharaoh's baker
and butler.
Pre-restoration engraving of Pharaoh's dream.
Spandrel III, south bay. T. Baxter and J. LeKeux.
Published by J. Britton, 1841.
Paraoh consulting the magus; butler telling Pharaoh of
Joseph's ability to interpret dreams.
Spandrel IV, south bay.
Diagram, restorations to Pharaoh with magus and butler.
Joseph released from prison and accepting Pharaoh's rod of
Spandrel V, south bay.
Diagram, restorations to Joseph leaving prison and
receiving the rod of authority.
Joseph supervising corn threshing and filling his brothers'
sacks with corn.
Spandrels VI and VII, southwest bay.
Pre-restoration engraving of Joseph's brothers in Egypt.
Joseph's brothers in Egypt: filling the sacks with
corn (left) and their pledge to return with Benjamin
(right), spandrel VII, south bay. F. Nash and G. Cook.
Published by W. Dodsworth, 1814.
Capital no. 8, southeast bay.
Stiff leaf foliage with two human-headed
Southwest bay
Joseph's family bowing before him.
Spandrel IV, southwest bay.
Diagram, restorations to Joseph's family bowing before
Reunion of Joseph and Jacob.
With Benjamin on the right. Spandrel V, southwest
Diagram, restorations to reunion of Joseph and Jacob.
Moses parting the Red Sea waters.
Spandrel VII, southwest bay.
Diagram, restorations to Moses parting the Red Sea.
Capital no. 1, blind arcade, southwest bay.
Pseudo-naturalistic foliage between three human