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  • West bay

    Plan, west (entrance) bay.

    Old Testament scenes 59, 60 and 1, 2.

    view plan
    • West bay, entrance viewed from the east.

      Scenes 1 and 2 of Old Testament cycle are to right of entry, in spandrels of lower blind arcade. Scenes 59 and 60 are at left. Christ in Majesty in tympanum above door.

      view plan
      • West bay, entrance viewed from the east.

        Christ in Majesty in the tympanum surrounded by the four signs of the Evangelists and the blind arcade below the four-light window.

        view plan
        • Entrance bay, showing degraded 19th c. polychromy.

          19th century polychromy was removed c. 1905.

        • Creation on the first day.

          Spandrel I, west bay, to right of entrance.

        • Second day of Creation.

          Spandrel II, west bay, to right of entrance.

          • Diagram, restorations to first and second days of Creation.

            Cross-hatched areas have been restored.

        • Entwined monsters in blind arcade above entrance.

          Located in the central spandrel of blind arcade, at tip of tympanum over the entrance, west bay.

        • Stiff leaf capital, blind arcade above entrance.

          Stiff leaf foliage on the capital, flanked by lions. Located in the blind arcade above the entrance, western bay.