Southeast bay
Southeast bay arcades.
Scenes of the Joseph cycle beginning with his dream and
carrying the story to Potiphar's wife falsely denoucing Joseph as
her seducer. The detail of the south bay shows him cast into
view plan
Joseph relating his dreams; Joseph being put into a well by
his brothers.
Joseph relating his dreams to his father and brothers.
Spandrel II, southeast bay.
Diagram, restorations to Joseph relating his dreams.
Joseph with his brothers in the field.
Spandrel III, southeast bay. Joseph arriving at the
field; the brothers putting Joseph in the well; the brothers
staining his coat with the blood of a lamb.
Diagram, restorations to Joseph with his brothers in
the field.
Joseph presented to Pharaoh; Potiphar's wife tempting him.
Spandrels VI and VII.
Joseph presented and pledging fealty to Pharaoh.
Spandrel VI, southeast bay.
Diagram, restorations to Joseph presented to Pharaoh.