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  • South bay

    Plan, south bay.

    Scenes 43-50.

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    • South bay arcades.

      Continuing scenes of the Joseph cycle and a section of the southwest bay continuing the cycle.

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      • Fulfillment of dreams of Pharaoh's baker and butler; Pharaoh's dream.

        Spandrels II and III, south bay.

        • Fulfillment of dreams of Pharaoh's baker and butler.

          Spandrel II, south bay.

          • Diagram, restorations to dreams of Pharaoh's baker and butler.

        • Pre-restoration engraving of Pharaoh's dream.

          Spandrel III, south bay. T. Baxter and J. LeKeux. Published by J. Britton, 1841.

      • Paraoh consulting the magus; butler telling Pharaoh of Joseph's ability to interpret dreams.

        Spandrel IV, south bay.

        • Diagram, restorations to Pharaoh with magus and butler.

      • Joseph released from prison and accepting Pharaoh's rod of authority.

        Spandrel V, south bay.

        • Diagram, restorations to Joseph leaving prison and receiving the rod of authority.

      • Joseph supervising corn threshing and filling his brothers' sacks with corn.

        Spandrels VI and VII, southwest bay.

        • Pre-restoration engraving of Joseph's brothers in Egypt.

          Joseph's brothers in Egypt: filling the sacks with corn (left) and their pledge to return with Benjamin (right), spandrel VII, south bay. F. Nash and G. Cook. Published by W. Dodsworth, 1814.

      • Capital no. 8, southeast bay.

        Stiff leaf foliage with two human-headed beasts.