South bay
South bay arcades.
Continuing scenes of the Joseph cycle and a section of the
southwest bay continuing the cycle.
view plan
Fulfillment of dreams of Pharaoh's baker and butler;
Pharaoh's dream.
Spandrels II and III, south bay.
Fulfillment of dreams of Pharaoh's baker and butler.
Spandrel II, south bay.
Diagram, restorations to dreams of Pharaoh's baker
and butler.
Pre-restoration engraving of Pharaoh's dream.
Spandrel III, south bay. T. Baxter and J. LeKeux.
Published by J. Britton, 1841.
Paraoh consulting the magus; butler telling Pharaoh of
Joseph's ability to interpret dreams.
Spandrel IV, south bay.
Diagram, restorations to Pharaoh with magus and butler.
Joseph released from prison and accepting Pharaoh's rod of
Spandrel V, south bay.
Diagram, restorations to Joseph leaving prison and
receiving the rod of authority.
Joseph supervising corn threshing and filling his brothers'
sacks with corn.
Spandrels VI and VII, southwest bay.
Pre-restoration engraving of Joseph's brothers in Egypt.
Joseph's brothers in Egypt: filling the sacks with
corn (left) and their pledge to return with Benjamin
(right), spandrel VII, south bay. F. Nash and G. Cook.
Published by W. Dodsworth, 1814.
Capital no. 8, southeast bay.
Stiff leaf foliage with two human-headed