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  • South wall

    • View to southeast from north aisle at bay 4.

      view plan
    • East and south walls from bay 4.

      Hertford Monument at end of south choir aisle visible to right.

      view plan
      • South wall from bay 3.

        view plan
      • South wall, bays 1 and 2.

        To the other side of this wall, the Beauchamp Chapel was added in 1481; it was removed c. 1790 (see Trinity Chapel essay for historical images and information). Glass is by Clayton and Bell, turn of 20th century.

        view plan
        • South wall niches, bay 1.

          • Easternmost niche, bay 1.

          • Niche, third from the east.

          • Niche, fifth from the east.

          • Niche, sixth from the east, bay 2.

          • Niche, eighth from the east.

          • Niche, tenth from the east.

          • Decorative cornice above niches.

            At the west end of bay 2.