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  • St. Osmund's tomb

    • Former location in south nave aisle

      Fomer location of the 13th-century tomb base attributed to St. Osmund. The tomb base was moved to this position on the south plinth of bay 15 in the nave c.1789. The base was relocated c.2000 to its current position on the sleeper wall between the Trinity Chapel and chapel at the east end of the south aisle. For images of the base in its nave location, look in the archive under NAVE, BAY 15.

    • St. Osmund tomb base in Trinity Chapel

      St. Osmund's tomb base in its current location on the plinth between the Trinity Chapel (left) and the chapel at the east end of the south aisle (right). The tomb was located here before its relocation to the nave in 1789.

      • St. Osmund tomb base

        West and north faces of the tomb base.

      • St. Osmund tomb base

        Seen here from south aisle.

    • St. Osmund tomb slab

      Purbeck marble tomb slab attributed to St. Osmund. Formerly located in bay 20 of the nave, the effigy was moved to this central (and possibly original) position in the Trinity Chapel c.2000. View taken from northeast corner of the Trinity Chapel. For more images of the effigy, see the section under NAVE, BAY 20.

      • St. Osmund tomb slab

        North and east sides of monument

      • St. Osmund tomb slab

        South and east sides of monument.

      • St. Osmund tomb slab

        North and west sides of monument. Trinity Chapel altar is to the left.

      • St. Osmund tomb slab

        South and west sides of monument. Trinity Chapel altar is at right.

      • St. Osmund monument and view to west

        View over effigy into the choir and nave.