The Salisbury Chapter House and Its Sixty Old Testament Scenes by Dr. Pamela Z. Blum, F.S.A.
The most comprehensive study available of the Salisbury chapter house.
Essay on the Trinity Chapel by Marion Roberts
Read about the foundation of the Trinity Chapel, its design, and the
additions and restorations that were made to it.
Cathedral Schools and Chantry Colleges at Salisbury by Raymond A. Powell, graduate student in Religious History,
University of Virginia
An essay exploring the various educational communities
that were fostered in Salisbury.
Essays on the Chapter House by Dr. Pamela Z. Blum, F.S.A.
This collection of essays addresses issues of design and meaning in the
Salisbury chapter house. Subjects treated include
Uses and Customs;
Ornament and Dating;
Iconographical Program;
Restoration of the Old Testament Scenes; and
Historia translationis veteris ecclesiae beatae mariae sarum ad novam by William de Waude
A primary source on the shift of the cathedral from Old Sarum to the new building at Salisbury, written by
the precentor, then dean of the Cathedral.
Conservation, repair, and research projects at Salisbury Cathedral
An overview of current and recent work on the fabric of Salisbury Cathedral (updated fall 2009)
Medieval Sourcebook
Documents pertaining to Salisbury Cathedral during the reign of Henry
III, 1227, this text is part of the Internet Medieval Source Book. The
Sourcebook is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted texts
related to medieval and Byzantine history.